Magic Staking Platform
  • Total $SQR Locked- $SQR
  • Circulating Supply Locked-

Understanding Staking:
Access Our Guide Here.

Stake $SQR for APR and Launchpad Allocation Points
0 $SQR

My Total Staked

  • DAO Maker0 $SQR
  • Membership0 $SQR
  • Staking0 $SQR
  • You are going to stake
  • Locked for
  • You’ll receive

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Important: Staked $SQR cannot be unstaked or claimed until the lock period ends.

Staking History Overview

No Data AvailableYou don’t have history yet

  • Total $SQR Locked- $SQR
  • Circulating Supply Locked-

Understanding Staking:
Access Our Guide Here.

  • Staking $SQR involves locking up a certain amount of your $SQR tokens in a staking pool to support the network's operations. In return, you earn rewards, typically in the form of additional $SQR tokens or SQRp points, depending on the staking conditions.

  • You earn rewards by holding your $SQR tokens in a staking pool for a predetermined period. The rewards, which can be additional $SQR tokens or SQRp points, are determined by the amount of $SQR you stake and the duration of the stake.

  • No, staked $SQR cannot be withdrawn until the end of the specified lock period. This ensures the stability and security of the staking pool.

  • SQRp points represent your share of the allocation in certain launchpad projects. The more $SQR you stake and the longer you stake it for, the more SQRp points you earn, granting you larger allocations in launchpad projects.

  • You can claim your staking rewards after the staking period ends or at specific intervals during the staking period, depending on the staking pool's rules. Rewards in the form of $SQR can be added to your wallet, while SQRp points may be used directly for launchpad allocations.